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Disney in Reality: Emotional Hygiene

Location: Taichung, Taiwan

Project Establish: 2015

Tutor: Jerry Hsiao

Malencholia, Cancer and AIDS are three main diseases of the 21st century. Malencholia, or as some people call it 'depression', begins in the mind but can lead to physical harm.


This project aims to provide a relaxation shelter to those currently undergoing a mental crisis. ​By studying the mental health system in Taiwan and investigating current case studies, it became clear that patients who have been diagnosed as being clinically depressed, have usually struggled between feelings of calm and sadness for a long time before seeking help. Therefore the focus of this project was drawn towards people who identify themselves as being depressed, but who are not diagnosed as being clinically depressed. 

The underlaying concept of this project is to combine 'healing elements' with daily spaces that provide an emotionally supportive environment for it's users. By interacting with these spaces, symptoms of depression can be reduced by allowing it's users to distract themselves from negative thoughts and allow them to function from a state of calmness.

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